
Batyskafen Trieste i 1958.

En batyskaf (fransk batyscaphe) er en specielt konstrueret undervandsbåd beregnet til videnskabelige undersøgelser på stor dybde.[1]


  1. ^ Brand, V (1977). "Submersibles – Manned and Unmanned". South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society Journal. 7 (3). ISSN 0813-1988. OCLC 16986801. Arkiveret fra originalen 1. august 2008. Hentet 2008-07-10.
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Bathyscaphe Trieste.jpg
Bathyscaphe Trieste, a Italian-built deep-diving research submersible vehicle, which with its crew of two reached a record maximum depth of about 10,911 metres (35,797 ft), in the first descent of the deepest known part of the Earth's oceans, the Challenger Deep, in the Mariana Trench near Guam in the Pacific, on 23 January 1960. It is being hoisted out of the water in a tropical port, circa 1958-59, soon after her purchase by the US Navy. The craft consists of a 2 meter spherical steel pressure vessel constituting the 2-man crew cabin, made to withstand the extreme pressure suspended below a large tank of gasoline making up the bulk of the vessel. The gasoline being lighter than water makes the craft buoyant, while its incompressibility withstands the pressure of the surrounding water without requiring a heavy pressure vessel.