
En bascinet er en middelalderlig europæisk type hjelm. Den blev videreudviklet fra den simple jernhat (eller cervelliere),[1] men har en mere spids top, og går længere nde bagpå og på siderne for at beskytte nakken. Ofte var der monteret et lille skørt i ringbrynje langs kanten, kaldet en "camail" eller aventail, for at give yderligere beskyttelse til halsen og skuldrene.[2] Desuden var der som regel monteret et visir fra omkring 1330 og fremefter, for at beskytte ansigtet. I begyndelsen af 1400-tallet begyndte ringbrynjekraven at bliver erstattet med rustning metalplader kaldet gorget.
Bascinethjelme blev også båret under tøndehjelme.[3][4][5]
- ^ Peterson 1968 (Encyclopædia Britannica, "Helmet")
- ^ Gravett (2008), p. 116
- ^ Wise 1975, s. 15
- ^ Chisholm, Hugh, red. (1911). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 3 (11. udgave). Cambridge University Press. s. 480. .
- ^ Nicolle (1996), pp. 50–51.
- Litteratur
- Bennett, Matthew (1991) Agincourt 1415: Triumph Against the Odds. Osprey Publishing.
- Boeheim, Wendelin (1890). Handbuch der Waffenkunde. Leipzig: Verlag von E. A. Seemann. s. 34.
- Bradbury, Jim (2004). "14 Medieval Armour (A-Z of terms: Aventail ~ Bascinet)". The Routledge Companion to Medieval Warfare. Routledge. s. 261-262.
- DeVries, Kelly and Smith, Robert Douglas (2007) Medieval Weapons: An Illustrated History of Their Impact. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara CA
- Gravett, Christopher (2008) Knight: Noble Warrior of England 1200-1600. Osprey Publishing.
- Gravett, Christopher (2002) English Medieval Knight, 1300-1400. Osprey Publishing, . ISBN 1-84176-145-1.
- Gravett, Christopher (1985) German Medieval Armies: 1300-1500. Osprey Publishing.
- Lucchini, Francesco (2011) Face, Counterface, Counterfeit. The Lost Silver Visage of the Reliquary of St. Anthony’s Jawbone.Published in Meaning in Motion. Semantics of Movement in Medieval Art and Architecture, edited by N. Zchomelidse and G. Freni. Princeton.
- Miller, Douglas (1979) The Swiss at War 1300-1500. Osprey Publishing.
- Nicolle, David (1983) Italian Medieval Armies: 1300-1500. Osprey Publishing.
- Nicolle, David (1999) Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350: Western Europe and the Crusader States. Greenhill Books.
- Nicolle, David (1999-journal) Medieval Warfare: The Unfriendly Interface. The Journal of Military History, Vol. 63, No. 3 (Jul., 1999), pp. 579–599. Published by: Society for Military History.
- Nicolle, David (1996) Knight of Outremer, 1187-1344. Osprey Publishing.
- Nicolle, David (2000) French Armies of the Hundred Years War. Osprey Publishing.
- Oakeshott, Ewart (1980) European Weapons and Armour: From the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution. Lutterworth Press.
- Rothero, Christopher (1981) The Armies of Agincourt. Osprey Publishing.
- Singman, J.; and McLean, W. Daily Life in Chaucer's England. Greenwood Press, 1999. ISBN 0-313-29375-9.
- Wise, Terrence (1975). "Helmet". Medieval European Armies. Osprey Publishing. s. 15-19. (Webside ikke længere tilgængelig)
- Peterson, Harold Leslie (1968). "Helmet". Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 11. London. s. 335-.
- Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emmanuel (1874). "Bascinet". Encyclopaedia Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier français. Vol. 5. Paris: V. A. Morel. s. 157.
- Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emmanuel (1875). "Heaume". Encyclopaedia Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier français. Vol. 6. Paris: V. A. Morel. s. 118.
Eksterne henvisninger
- Spotlight: The 14th Century Bascinet ( article)
- Battle of Agincourt from Olivier's Henry V YouTube – Laurence Olivier's film of Henry V. A depiction of Henry V wearing a bascinet with a bavier and a plate gorget, illustrating the mobility of the head and helmet within the gorget. It also shows the king's crown within an orle.
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