
Barathea, nogle gange stavet barrathea,[1] er et blødt tekstil, med hopsackkipervævning, der giver en ledt rug eller rynket overflade.[2] Trådene består af uld, silke eller bomuld. Kamgarnsbarathea (fremstillet med blødt uldgarn) bruges ofte til aftenfrakker,[3] som kjolefrakker, smoking og militæruniformer,[4] i sort eller midnatsblå. Silkebarathea, enten fuldstændigt af silke eller med brug af islæt i bomuld, anvendes ofte til slips.[1]
- ^ a b Frank P. Bennett (1914). A Cotton Fabrics Glossary. Guilford, Ct.: Frank P. Bennett & Co. s. 684.
- ^ Turnbull & Asser. "Barathea weave". Arkiveret fra originalen 2008-12-25. Hentet 2008-11-03.
- ^ Flusser, Alan (2002). Dressing the Man: Mastering the Art of Permanent Fashion. HarperCollins. s. 278. ISBN 0-06-019144-9.
- ^ "MIL-C-3727F, Military Specification for Cloth, Barathea, Wool". U.S. Department of Defense. 1987-12-18. Hentet 2013-12-04.
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- MacLachlan_hunting_tartan_(D._W._Stewart).jpg: Celtus
- derivative work: Rehua
A representation of the Maclachlan hunting tartan. This tartan is the oldest tartan to bear the name MacLachlan. This tartan is referred to as the Old MacLachlan, MacLachlan, and Hunting MacLachlan. This sett was first published in Old & Rare Scottish Tartans by D. W. Stewart in 1893.
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