Badlands National Park
For alternative betydninger, se Badlands.

Badlands National Park i det sydvestlige South Dakota i USA står for bevarelsen af 98.740 hektar (244.000 acres) kraftigt eroderede butter, tinder og toppe midt i den største beskyttede blandede prærie i USA.[1] Badlands Wilderness beskytter 25.958 hektar (64.144 acres) af parken som vildmarksområde,[1] og er stedet for genindførelsen af sortfodet ilder, den mest truede af landpattedyr i Nordamerika.[1]
Stronghold-delen af nationalparken administreres i fællesskab med Oglala Lakota-stammen og omfatter lokaliteter for 1890'ernes åndedanse,[2] en tidligere United States Air Force bombe- og skydebane,[3] og Red Shirt Table, der er parkens højeste punkt på 1.020 meter (3.340 fod).[4]
Nationalparken blev oprindeligt navngivet Badlands National Monument den 4. marts 1929,[5] men blev ikke oprettet før den 25. januar 1939.[6] Ifølge Mission 66-planen blev Ben Reifel Besøgscentret bygget til monumentet i årene 1957–58. Parken fik status som nationalpark den 10. november 1978.[5] Nationalparken administrerer også den nærliggende Minuteman Missile National Historic Site.
- ^ a b c "2008 Badlands Visitor Guide" (PDF) (engelsk). National Park Service. s. 2. Hentet 12. marts 2011.
- ^ "Badlands National Park" (engelsk). Rand McNally. Arkiveret fra originalen 25. februar 2011. Hentet 12. marts 2011.
The cultural centerpiece of this section is the Stronghold Table, where the Oglala Sioux danced the Ghost Dance for the last time in 1890.
- ^ "Pine Ridge Gunnery Range/Badlands Bombing Range" (engelsk). South Dakota; Department of Environment & Natural Resources. Hentet 12. marts 2011.
- ^ "U.S. National Park High Points" (engelsk). Hentet 12. marts 2011.
- ^ a b "NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM AREAS LISTED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF DATE AUTHORIZED UNDER DOI" (PDF) (engelsk). National Park Service. s. 2. Hentet 12. marts 2011.
- ^ "Badlands NP: History (The Depression Years)" (engelsk). National Park Service. Arkiveret fra originalen 28. juni 2011. Hentet 12. marts 2011.
Eksterne henvisninger
43°45′N 102°30′V / 43.750°N 102.500°V
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Medier brugt på denne side
Logo of the United States National Park Service, an agency of the United States Department of the Interior. This version is shaded to look as if it has been carved out of wood or rock. The elements on the logo represent the major facets of the national park system. The Sequoia tree and bison represent vegetation and wildlife, the mountains and water represent scenic and recreational values, and the arrowhead represents historical and archeological values. The bison is also the symbol of the Department of the Interior. The logo became the official logo on July 20, 1951, replacing the previous emblem of a Sequoia cone, and has been used ever since. The design was slightly updated in 2001, and a few different renderings are used today. For more information, see here and here.[dead link]
Forfatter/Opretter: Philberts, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
A panorama of Badlands National Park in South Dakota. Stitched together from separate photos in Photoshop.
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
Map showing Mainland USA ("lower 48") with a superimposed US flag.