Austronesere,[1] austronesiske folk[2] eller austronesisk-talende folk[3] er forskellige beslægtede folkeslag i Asien, Oceanien og Afrika, som taler sprog i den austronesiske sprogfamilie. Folkeslagene inkluderer oprindelige taiwanere; de største etniske grupper i Malaysia, Østtimor, Filippinerne, Indonesien, Brunei, Cocosøerne, Madagaskar, Mikronesien og Polynesien, såvel som malayerne i Singapore, de polynesiske folk i New Zealand og Hawaii, og de ikke-Papuan i Melanesien. Der findes også minoriteter i Pattani-regionen i Thailand og Cham-områderne i Vietnam, Cambodia, og Hainan-regionen i Kina, dele af Sri Lanka, sydlige Myanmar og på nogle af Andamanerne. De geografiske områder, som er befolket af austronesisk-talende folk, kendes samlet som Austronesien.
- ^ Gray, RD; Drummond, AJ; Greenhill, SJ (2009). "Language Phylogenies Reveal Expansion Pulses and Pauses in Pacific Settlement". Science. 323 (5913): 479-483. doi:10.1126/science.1166858. PMID 19164742.
- ^ Diamond, JM (2000). "Taiwan's gift to the world". Nature. 403 (6771): 709-710. doi:10.1038/35001685. PMID 10693781.
- ^ According to the anthropologist Wilhelm Solheim II: "I emphasize again, as I have done in many other articles, that 'Austronesian' is a linguistic term and is the name of a super language family. It should never be used as a name for a people, genetically speaking, or a culture. To refer to people who speak an Austronesian language the phrase 'Austronesian-speaking people' should be used." Origins of the Filipinos and Their Languages. (January 2006).
- Bellwood, Peter S. (1979). Man's conquest of the Pacific: The prehistory of Southeast Asia and Oceania. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195201031.
- Bellwood, Peter (2007). Prehistory of the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago (3rd, revised udgave). ANU E Press. ISBN 978-1-921313-12-7.
- Bellwood, Peter; Fox, James J.; Tryon, Darrell, red. (2006). The Austronesians : historical and comparative perspectives. Australian National University. ISBN 1920942858.
- Diamond, Jared M. (1998). Guns, Germs, and Steel. Vintage. ISBN 84-8306-667-X.
- Benitez-Johannot, Purissima, red. (2009). Paths of Origins. ArtPostAsia Books. ISBN 9719429208. Arkiveret fra originalen 16. oktober 2011. Hentet 21. august 2016.
- James J. Fox (2006). Origins, Ancestry and Alliance: Explorations in Austronesian Ethnography. ANU E Press. ISBN 978-1-920942-87-8.
Eksterne henvisninger
- Cristian Capelli; et al. (2001). "A Predominantly Indigenous Paternal Heritage for the Austronesian-Speaking Peoples of Insular Southeast Asia and Oceania" (PDF). American Journal of Human Genetics. 68 (2): 432-443. doi:10.1086/318205. PMC 1235276. PMID 11170891. Arkiveret fra originalen (PDF) 11. maj 2011. Hentet 21. august 2016.
- Books, some online, on Austronesian subjects by the Australian National University Arkiveret 14. juni 2007 hos Wayback Machine
- Encyclopædia Britannica: Austronesian Languages