Atletik under sommer-OL 2016 - 200 meter løb (damer)

Kvindernes 200 meter løb
under det 31. sommer-OL 2016
Kvindernes 200 meter løb-vinder Elaine Thompson
StedOlympic Stadium
Datoer15. august 2016 (heats)
16. august 2016 (semifinaler)
17. august 2016 (finale)
Atleter64 fra 45 nationer
1Elaine Thompson Jamaica
2Dafne Schippers Holland
3Tori Bowie USA

Kvindernes 200 meter løb under sommer-OL 2016 fandt sted i perioden 15. august til 17. august 2016 på Olympic Stadium.[1]


  1. ^ Women's 200m - Standings Arkiveret 18. august 2016 hos Wayback Machine. Rio2016. Retrieved on 2016-08-14.

Medier brugt på denne side

Gold medal icon.svg
An icon that represents a gold medal
Flag of Jamaica.svg
Flag of Jamaica. “The sunshine, the land is green, and the people are strong and bold” is the symbolism of the colours of the flag. GOLD represents the natural wealth and beauty of sunlight; GREEN represents hope and agricultural resources; BLACK represents the strength and creativity of the people. The original symbolism, however, was "Hardships there are, but the land is green, and the sun shineth", where BLACK represented the hardships being faced.
Silver medal icon.svg
An icon that represents a silver medal
Bronze medal icon.svg
An icon that represents a bronze medal
Olympic rings.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Olympic rings without rims.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Forfatter/Opretter: Citizen59, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Elaine Thompson sur le 200m à Rio (série du 200m)