Arthur Dove

En tidligere amerikansk maler var Arthur Dow, 1857-1922
Arthur Dove
Arthur Dove af Alfred Stieglitz, 1912
Personlig information
Født2. august 1880 Rediger på Wikidata
Canandaigua, New York, USA Rediger på Wikidata
Død23. november 1946 (66 år) Rediger på Wikidata
Huntington, New York, USA Rediger på Wikidata
ÆgtefælleHelen Torr Rediger på Wikidata
Uddannelse og virke
Uddannelses­stedCornell University Rediger på Wikidata
BeskæftigelseKunstmaler, tegner Rediger på Wikidata
FagområdeModernisme Rediger på Wikidata
Kendte værkerReflections Rediger på Wikidata
Information med symbolet Billede af blyant hentes fra Wikidata. Kildehenvisninger foreligger sammesteds.
Portrait of Ralph Dusenberry, 1924
Pond in Sunlight, 1935

Arthur Garfield Dove (født 2. august 1880 i Canandaigua, New York, død 23. november 1946 i Huntington, New York) var amerikansk maler, en af de første abstrakt malende amerikanske kunstnere. Han malede som Kandinskij omkring 1911/12 sine første abstrakte billeder ud fra landskabs- og naturformer.

I Alfred Stieglitz' galleri 291 havde Dove en enkeltudstilling i sæsonen 1911/12. Med titlen Ten Commandments ("De ti bud") vistes en serie pastelmalerier, der regnes blandt de første abstrakte værker af en amerikansk kunstner. Denne udstilling befæstede Doves ry som den mest initiativrige og produktive kunstner i sin tid.[1]



  1. ^ Brooke Schieb. "Arthur G. Dove – Biography" (engelsk). The Phillips Collection, Washington, D. C. Arkiveret fra originalen 26. marts 2010. Hentet 6. juni 2010.

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Medier brugt på denne side

Arthur Dove, 1911-12, Based on Leaf Forms and Spaces, pastel on unidentified support. Now lost.jpg
Arthur Dove, 1911-12, Based on Leaf Forms and Spaces, pastel on unidentified support, now lost
Arthur Dove, Clouds and Water, 1930, oil on canvas, 75.2 x 100.6 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Art.jpg

This painting was exhibited before 1978 without a copyright notice. The exhibition was open to the general public, and the art gallery or museum did not prohibit photography at the time. This image can have no independent copyright as it is simply a faithful reproduction of an old, public domain, two-dimensional work of art.

Stieglitz Show, University Gallery (U Gallery)', New York, February 1937

Complete record, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

  • Huntington, New York: Heckscher Museum, August 20 - September 17, 1967. Arthur G.Dove of Long Island Sound P. 7, no. 18 (listed), p. 9, no. 18 (ill.)

* Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Philadelphia Museum of Art, September - October 22, 1944. History of an American: Alfred Stieglitz "291" and After. P. 34, no. 258.

* New York: An American Place, April 10 - May 17, 1939. Arthur G. Dove, Exhibition of Oils and Temperas. No. 14
Water Swirl, Canandaigua Outlet by Arthur Dove, 1937, oil.jpg
Water Swirl, Canandaigua Outlet by Arthur Dove, 1937, oil on canvas, 40.6 x 66 cm. (16 x 26 in.)
Pond in Sunlight MET DP202108.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Arthur Dove , Licens: CC0
Drawing; Drawings
'Thunderstorm' by Arthur Garfield Dove, 1921.JPG
label QS:Len,"Thunderstorm"
label QS:Lde,"Gewitter"
Arthur Dove, Moon, 1935, oil on canvas, 88.9 x 63.5 cm, National Gallery of Art.jpg

This painting was exhibited before 1978 without a copyright notice. The exhibition was open to the general public, and the art gallery or museum did not prohibit photography at the time. This image can have no independent copyright as it is simply a faithful reproduction of an old, public domain, two-dimensional work of art.

See exhibition catalogue: Beginnings and Landmarks: "291", 1905-1917, October 27 - December, 27, 1937, An American Place, New York, no 54

New Paintings by Arthur Dove, An American Place, New York, April-May 1936, checklist no. 16
Silver Ball, Barge, and Trees MET DP242082.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Arthur Dove , Licens: CC0
Drawing; Drawings
Thunder Shower by Arthur Dove, 1940, oil and wax.JPG
Thunder Shower by Arthur Dove, 1940, oil and wax emulsion on canvas, Amon Carter Museum