Arkivvidenskab (eller -studier) er et etableret forskningsområde i nogle lande, fx Sverige, hvor det ikke organisatorisk er en del af biblioteks- og informationsvidenskaben.
Denne videnskabelige traditions tidligste oprindelse vides ikke. Vi kan dog nævne de ældste kendte historiske bøger om emnet. Disse arkivvidenskabens tidligste forgænger blev trykt i 1571, men sandsynligvis allerede skrevet i løbet af 1500-tallets første halvdel. Ophavsmanden, den tyske adelsmand Jacob von Rammingen, kan måske betragtes som "fader" for denne akademiske emne. Han grundlagde en arkivtradition som i Tyskland overlevede i mindst et par århundreder, og han formulerede første gang en arkivteori.
- Archival Science. International Journal on Recorded Information. Netherlands: Springer. ISSN 1389-0166 (print version). ISSN 1573-7519 (electronic version).
- Cook, M. (1986). The Management of Information from Archives. Hants, England: Gower.
- Cooke, A. (1987). A code of ethics for archivists: some points for discussion. Archives and Manuscripts, 15(2), 95-104.
- Baynes-Cope, A. D. (1988). Thoughts on ethics in archival conservation. Restaurator, 9(3), 136-146.
- Gilliland-Swetland, A. J. (2000). Enduring Paradigm, New Opportunities: The Value of the Archival Perspective in the Digital Environment. Washington D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). (Visited February 4, 2004)
- Horn, D. E. (1989). The development of ethics in archival practice. American Archivist, 52(1), 64-71.
- McDonald, L. (1989). Ethical dilemmas facing an archivist in the business environment: the constraints on a business archivist. Journal of the Society of Archivists, 10(4), 168-172.
- MacNeil, H. (1991). Defining the limits of freedom of enquiry: the ethics of disclosing personal information held in government archives. Archivaria, (32), 138-144.
- Riberio, F. (2001). Archival Science and changes in paradigm. Archival Science, 1(3), 295-310.
- Stockting, B. & Queyroux, F. (Eds.). (2006). Encoding Across Frontiers: Proceedings of the European Conference on Encoded Archival Description And Context (EAD And EAC), Paris, France, 7-8 October, 2004. Haworth Information Press
- Strömberg, JBLD (2010). The earliest predecessors of archival science – Jacob von Rammingen's two manuals of registry and archival management, printed in 1571, translated by JBLD Strömberg. Lund: Lundaboken. Om bogen: Leon Jespersen, Den ældste arkivlære, Nordisk Arkivnyt 2011:2, sid 101. [1]
- Ulfsparre, A. C. (ed.). Arkivvetenskap. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
- Usherwood, B.; Wilson, K. & Bryson, J. (2005). Relevant repositories of public knowledge? Libraries, museums and archives in 'the information age'. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 37(2), 89-98.
Eksterne henvisninger
- Jacob von Rammingen hos
- Jacob von Rammingen hos Det Kongelige Bibliotek
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Forfatter/Opretter: JBLD, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The earliest archival manuals: "Von der Registratur" by Jacob von Rammingen (1571), and "De Archivis" by Baldassare Bonifacio (1632)