Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson photo portrait head and shoulders, c1870-1880-Edit1.jpg
17. præsident af USA
15. april 1865 – 4. marts 1869
ForegåendeAbraham Lincoln
Efterfulgt afUlysses S. Grant
Personlige detaljer
Født29. december 1808
Raleigh, North Carolina
Død31. juli 1875 (66 år)
Greeneville, Tennessee
GravstedAndrew Johnson National Cemetery
Politisk partiDemokrat før 1864 og efter 1869, valgt som vicepræsident som National Union-kandidat i 1864, intet parti mellem 1865-1869.
Højde1,78 m
Ægtefælle(r)Eliza McCardle Johnson
MorMary McDonough
FarJacob Johnson
UnderskriftAndrew Johnson Sigjnature.svg
Informationen kan være hentet fra Wikidata.

Andrew Johnson (født 29. december 1808, død 31. juli 1875) var fra 1865 til 1869 USA's 17. præsident. Han blev valgt til at være vicepræsident for Abraham Lincoln da denne blev genvalgt i 1865. Dette var lidt kontroversielt, da han tidligere havde været demokrat og Lincoln var republikaner. Johnson havde forladt det demokratiske parti på grund af sin holdning til slavespørgsmålet. Han overtog embedet efter drabet på Abraham Lincoln.

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Medier brugt på denne side

U.S. flag, 34 stars.svg
U.S. flag with 34 stars. In use from 4 July 1861 to 3 July 1863. Created by jacobolus using Adobe Illustrator, and released into the public domain.
Flag of the United States (1861-1863).svg
U.S. flag with 34 stars. In use from 4 July 1861 to 3 July 1863. Created by jacobolus using Adobe Illustrator, and released into the public domain.
USA Flag Map.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
Map showing Mainland USA ("lower 48") with a superimposed US flag.
Andrew Johnson Sigjnature.svg
Sig. of Andrew Johnson.
Andrew Johnson photo portrait head and shoulders, c1870-1880-Edit1.jpg
Photograph of President Johnson, by Mathew Brady, ca. 1870
date QS:P,+1870-80-00T00:00:00Z/10,P1480,Q5727902
Seal of the Vice President of the United States.svg
Seal of the Vice President of the United States. The blazon is defined in Executive Order 11884 as:

The Coat of Arms of the Vice President of the United States shall be of the following design:

SHIELD: Paleways of thirteen pieces argent and gules, a chief azure; upon the breast of an American eagle displayed holding in his dexter talon an olive branch proper and in his sinister a bundle of thirteen arrows gray, and in his beak a gray scroll inscribed "E PLURIBUS UNUM" sable.

CREST: Behind and above the eagle a radiating glory or, on which appears an arc of thirteen cloud puffs gray, and a constellation of thirteen mullets gray.

The Seal of the Vice President of the United States shall consist of the Coat of Arms encircled by the words "Vice President of the United States."

The design is the same as the Seal of the President of the United States, except that there is no ring of stars, the clouds are gray (instead of proper), the stars are gray (instead of argent), the scroll is gray (instead of white), the arrows are gray (instead of proper), and the background colors and inscription (obviously) differ.