Amerikanske krigsministre

Krigsministeren eller Secretary of War var et medlem af den amerikanske præsidents kabinet helt fra George Washingtons embedstid. En tilsvarende stilling, med titlen "Secretary at War" eller "Secretary of War" blev udpeget til at tjene Konføderationskongressen under den forudgående forfatning mellem 1781 og 1789. Benjamin Lincoln og senere Henry Knox beklædte denne post. Da Washington blev indsat som den første præsident efter vedtagelsen af USA's forfatning, udpegede han Knox til at fortsætte.
Krigsministeren ledede det amerikanske krigsministerium. I starten havde han ansvar for alle militære forhold. I 1798 blev flådeministeren optaget i kabinettet, og krigsministerens opgaver blev indskrænket til at vedrøre hæren. I 1947 blev de to poster igen slået sammen under Forsvarsministeren. Krigsministeren blev udskiftet med en minister for hæren og en minister for luftvåbnet, som sammen med ministeren for flåden blev underlagt forsvarsministeren – hvilket betød at de ikke havde sæde i kabinettet.
- ^ "Papers of the War Department » McHenry's Resignation". Arkiveret fra originalen 29. december 2018. Hentet 26. oktober 2009.
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Henry L. Stimson, former Secretary of War and State.
William Crowninshield Endicott (1826–1900), Secretary of War, three-quarter-length portrait, standing, facing front
William Wilkins (United States Senator). Library of Congress description: "Wilkins, Judge Wm.".
John Aaron Rawlins. Library of Congress description: "John A. Rawlins".
United States Senator Jefferson Davis, about a year before he became President of the Confederate States of America. Library of Congress attributes this original photograph to about 1859 when Davis was still a US Senator. Wilson, 2013, p. 58,p. 156 also puts the photograph before the war. Wilson, Robert (2013) Mathew Brady: Portraits of a Nation, Bloomsbury ISBN: 9781620402030. OCLC: 1150291751.
TITLE: Hon. John B. Floyd CALL NUMBER: LC-BH82- 4753 A <P&P>[P&P] REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-DIG-cwpbh-01730 (b&w copy scan) No known restrictions on publication. MEDIUM: 1 negative : glass, wet collodion. CREATED/PUBLISHED: [between 1855 and 1865] NOTES: Title from unverified information on negative sleeve. Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection (Library of Congress). FORMAT: Portrait photographs 1850-1870. Glass negatives 1850-1870. REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
DIGITAL ID: (b&w scan) cwpbh 01730 Magill Conrad
Stephen Benton Elkins, former Secretary of War., crop of original file, restored, image darkened and extensive clone tool work to remove damage from negative.
Title: William Taft, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left Abstract/medium: 1 photographic print.
Alexander Ramsey. Library of Congress description: "Alexander Ramsey"
Joel Roberts Poinsett, U.S. Secretary of War, member of the U.S. House of Representatives, first American minister to Mexico, and namesake of the poinsettia flower.
Title: Snapped after swearing in of Sec. Dwight Davis (3 Secretaries of War), 10/14/25
- The swearing-in of Dwight Filley Davis (center), the Secretary of War under President Calvin Coolidge's administration. John Wingate Weeks, his predecssor, is standing to Davis's right. Former Secretary of War and President William Howard Taft is standing to Davis's left.
Source: en:John C. Spencer (1788-1855)
Jacob M. Dickinson, former U.S. Secretary of War.
James Madison Porter, amerikansk politiker 1793-1862
Robert Porter Patterson, 55rd United States Secretary of War
Kenneth Claiborne Royall
Georgia politician George W. Crawford. Whig Congressman from Georgia, 1843; Governor of Georgia 1843-1847; U.S. Secretary of War, 1849-1850.
Lewis Cass ( October 9, 1782 – June 17, 1866) was an American military officer and politician. He was the nominee of the Democratic Party for President of the United States in 1848.
Harry Hines Woodring, 53rd United States Secretary of War
Russell Alexander Alger (February 27, 1836 – January 24, 1907) Governor and U.S. Senator of Michigan, Secretary of War during the Presidential adminisration of William McKinley.
== Beskrivelse ==
en:William L. Marcy, circa 1856
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Peter Buell Porter (1773-1844), US politician, General of the War of 1812 and Secretary of War.
Simon Cameron