Amerikanske justitsministre

USA's justitsminister
United States Attorney General
Justitsministeriets emblem
Pam Bondi

siden 5. februar 2025
Department of Justice
Tilblivelse26. september 1789
Første indehaverEdmund Randolph

USA's justitsminister (engelsk: United States Attorney General) er et amerikansk føderalt embede og medlem af USA's regering. Justitsministeren udnævnes af præsidenten med godkendelse af Senatet og er chef for Justitsministeriet. Embedet som USA's justitsminister blev oprettet af Kongressen i 1789.

Liste over USA's justitsministre

1Edmund RandolphEdmund RandolphVirginia26. september 178926. januar 1794FøderalistpartietGeorge Washington
2William BradfordWilliam BradfordPennsylvania27. januar 179423. august 1795George Washington
3Charles LeeCharles LeeVirginia10. december 179519. februar 1801George Washington, John Adams
4Levi LincolnLevi LincolnMassachusetts5. marts 18012. marts 1805Thomas Jefferson
5John BreckinridgeJohn C. BreckinridgeKentucky7. august 180514. december 1806Thomas Jefferson
6Caesar A. RodneyCaesar A. RodneyDelaware20. januar 180710. december 1811Thomas Jefferson, James Madison
7William PinkneyWilliam PinkneyMaryland11. december 18119. februar 1814James Madison
8Richard RushRichard RushPennsylvania10. februar 181412. november 1817James Madison
9William WirtWilliam WirtVirginia13. november 18174. marts 1829James Monroe, John Quincy Adams
10John Macpherson BerrienJohn M. BerrienGeorgia9. marts 182919. juli 1831Andrew Jackson
11Roger B. TaneyRoger B. TaneyMaryland20. juli 183114. november 1833Andrew Jackson
12Benjamin Franklin ButlerBenjamin Franklin ButlerNew York15. november 18334. juli 1838Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren
13Felix GrundyFelix GrundyTennessee5. juli 183810. januar 1840Martin Van Buren
14Henry D. GilpinHenry D. GilpinPennsylvania11. januar 18404. marts 1841Martin Van Buren
15John J. CrittendenJohn J. CrittendenKentucky5. marts 184112. september 1841William Harrison
John Tyler
16Hugh S. LegaréHugh S. LegaréSør-Carolina13. september 184130. juni 1843John Tyler
17John NelsonJohn NelsonMaryland1. juli 18434. marts 1845John Tyler
18John Y. MasonJohn Y. MasonVirginia5. marts 184516. oktober 1846James Polk
19Nathan CliffordNathan CliffordMaine17. oktober 184617. marts 1848James Polk
20Isaac TouceyIsaac TouceyConnecticut21. juni 18484. marts 1849James Polk
21Reverdy JohnsonReverdy JohnsonMaryland8. marts 184921. juli 1850Zachary Taylor
22John J. CrittendenJohn J. CrittendenKentucky22. juli 18504. marts 1853Millard Fillmore
23Caleb CushingCaleb CushingMassachusetts7. marts 18534. marts 1857Franklin Pierce
24Jeremiah S. BlackJeremiah S. BlackPennsylvania6. marts 185716. december 1860James Buchanan
25Edwin M. StantonEdwin M. StantonOhio20. december 18604. marts 1861James Buchanan
26Edward BatesEdward BatesMissouri5. marts 186124. november 1864Abraham Lincoln
27James SpeedJames SpeedKentucky2. december 186422. juli 1866Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson
28Henry StanberryHenry StanberryOhio23. juli 186616. juli 1868Andrew Johnson
29William M. EvartsWilliam M. EvartsNew York17. juli 18684. marts 1869Andrew Johnson
30Ebenezer R. HoarEbenezer R. HoarMassachusetts5. marts 186922. november 1870Ulysses S. Grant
31Amos T. AkermanAmos T. AkermanGeorgia23. november 187013. december 1871Ulysses S. Grant
32George Henry WilliamsGeorge H. WilliamsOregon14. december 187125. april 1875Ulysses S. Grant
33Edwards PierrepontEdwards PierrepontNew York26. april 187521. maj 1876Ulysses S. Grant
34Alphonso TaftAlphonso TaftOhio22. maj 18764. marts 1877Ulysses S. Grant
35Charles DevensCharles DevensMassachusetts12. marts 18774. marts 1881Rutherford Hayes
36Wayne MacVeaghWayne MacVeaghPennsylvania5. marts 188115. december 1881James Garfield
37Benjamin H. BrewsterBenjamin H. BrewsterPennsylvania16. december 18814. marts 1885Chester A. Arthur
38Augustus Hill GarlandAugustus Hill GarlandArkansas6. marts 18854. marts 1889Grover Cleveland
39William H. H. MillerWilliam H. H. MillerIndiana7. marts 18894. marts 1893Benjamin Harrison
40Richard OlneyRichard OlneyMassachusetts6. marts 18937. april 1895Grover Cleveland
41Judson HarmonJudson HarmonOhio8. april 18954. marts 1897Grover Cleveland
42Joseph McKennaJoseph McKennaCalifornia5. marts 189725. januar 1898William McKinley
43John W. GriggsJohn W. GriggsNew Jersey25. januar 189829. marts 1901William McKinley
44Philander C. KnoxPhilander C. KnoxPennsylvania5. april 190130. juni 1904William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt
45William H. MoodyWilliam H. MoodyMassachusetts1. juli 190417. december 1906Theodore Roosevelt
46Charles Joseph BonaparteCharles Joseph BonaparteMaryland17. december 19064. marts 1909Theodore Roosevelt
47George W. WickershamGeorge W. WickershamNew York4. marts 19094. marts 1913William Taft
48James C. McReynoldsJames C. McReynoldsNew York5. marts 191329. august 1914Woodrow Wilson
49Thomas Watt GregoryThomas Watt GregoryTexas29. august 19144. marts 1919Woodrow Wilson
50Alexander Mitchell PalmerAlexander Mitchell PalmerPennsylvania5. marts 19194. marts 1921Woodrow Wilson
51Harry M. DaughertyHarry M. DaughertyOhio4. marts 19216. april 1924Warren G. Harding
52Harlan Fiske StoneHarlan Fiske StoneNew York7. april 19241. marts 1925Calvin Coolidge
53John G. SargentJohn G. SargentVermont7. marts 19254. marts 1929Calvin Coolidge
54William D. MitchellWilliam D. MitchellMinnesota4. marts 19294. marts 1933Herbert Hoover
55Homer S. CummingsHomer S. CummingsConnecticut4. marts 19331. januar 1939Franklin D. Roosevelt
56Frank MurphyFrank MurphyMichigan2. januar 193918. januar 1940Franklin D. Roosevelt
57Robert H. JacksonRobert H. JacksonNew York18. januar 194025. august 1941Franklin D. Roosevelt
58Francis BiddleFrancis BiddlePennsylvania26. august 194126. juni 1945Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman
59Tom C. ClarkTom C. ClarkTexas27. juni 194526. juli 1949Harry Truman
60J. Howard McGrathJ. Howard McGrathRhode Island27. juli 19493. april 1952Harry Truman
61James P. McGraneryJames P. McGraneryPennsylvania4. april 195220. januar 1953Harry Truman
62Herbert BrownellHerbert BrownellNew York21. januar 195323. oktober 1957Dwight Eisenhower
63William P. RogersWilliam P. RogersNew York23. oktober 195720. januar 1961Dwight Eisenhower
64Robert F. KennedyRobert F. KennedyMassachusetts20. januar 19613. september 1964Det demokratiske partiJohn F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson
65Nicholas KatzenbachNicholas KatzenbachIllinois28. januar 196530. september 1966Lyndon B. Johnson
66Ramsey ClarkRamsey ClarkTexas10. marts 196720. januar 1969Lyndon B. Johnson
67John N. MitchellJohn N. MitchellNew York20. januar 196915. februar 1972Det republikanske partiRichard Nixon
68Richard KleindienstArizona15. februar 197225. maj 1973Richard Nixon
69Elliot L. RichardsonElliot L. RichardsonMassachusetts25. maj 197320. oktober 1973Richard Nixon
70William B. SaxbeWilliam B. SaxbeOhio17. december 197314. januar 1975Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford
71Edward H. LeviIllinois14. januar 197520. januar 1977Gerald Ford
72Griffin B. BellGriffin B. BellGeorgia26. januar 197716. august 1979Jimmy Carter
73Benjamin CivilettiBenjamin CivilettiMaryland16. august 197919. januar 1981Jimmy Carter
74William French SmithCalifornia23. januar 198125. februar 1985RepublikanerRonald Reagan
75Edwin Meese IIIEdwin Meese IIICalifornia25. februar 198512. august 1988RepublikanerRonald Reagan
76Dick ThornburghDick ThornburghPennsylvania12. august 198815. august 1991RepublikanerRonald Reagan, George H.W. Bush
77William BarrWilliam BarrNew York26. november 199120. januar 1993RepublikanerGeorge H.W. Bush
78Janet RenoJanet RenoFlorida12. marts 199320. januar 2001DemokratBill Clinton
79John AshcroftJohn AshcroftMissouri2. februar 20013. februar 2005RepublikanerGeorge W. Bush
80Alberto GonzalesAlberto GonzalesTexas3. februar 200517. september 2007Republikaner
81Michael MukaseyMichael MukaseyNew York7. november 200720. januar 2009Republikaner
82Eric Himpton Holder jr.Eric HolderNew York2. februar 200927. april 2015DemokratBarack Obama
83Loretta LynchNew York27. april 201520. januar 2017Demokrat
84Jeff SessionsAlabama9. februar 20177. november 2018RepublikanerDonald Trump
85William BarrVirginia14. februar 201923. december 2020Republikaner
86Merrick GarlandMaryland11. marts 202120. januar 2025Joe Biden
87Pam BondiFlorida5. februar 2025nuværendeRepublikanerDonald Trump

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Eksterne henvisninger

Medier brugt på denne side

Alberto Gonzales - official DoJ photograph.jpg
United States Attorney General Alberto Gonzales - official Department of Justice photograph
Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone photograph circa 1927-1932.jpg
Harlan Fiske Stone, Chief Justice of the United States. The left side of Stone's face was darkened by the uploader for more uniformity.
John Nelson, bw photo portrait, Brady-Handy collection, circa 1855-1865.jpg
John Nelson, former United States Attorney General (1843-45). Also member of the U.S. House of Representatives (Whig-Maryland, 1841-43).
Felix Grundy.jpg
Felix Grundy, Attorney General of the United States
Nathan Clifford - Brady-Handy.jpg
Nathan Clifford. Library of Congress description: "Clifford, Judge Nathan (Supreme Court)"
Alexander Mitchell Palmer.jpg
Alexander Mitchell Palmer
Francis Biddle cph.3b27524.jpg
Francis Biddle, former Attorney General of the United States and the primary American judge during the Nuremberg trials.
Stanberry AttorGen
John Y. Mason SecNavy.jpg

John Y. Mason, Secretary of the Navy, 26 March 1844 - 10 March 1845,

and 10 September 1846 - 7 March 1849
James Speed - Brady-Handy.jpg
James Speed. Library of Congress description: "J. Speed".
Reverdy Johnson.jpg
Reverdy Johnson. Library of Congress description: "Hon. Reverdy Johnson"; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Brady-Handy Photograph Collection; CALL NUMBER: LC-BH82- 29 B
Charles Lee, AG.png
Charles Lee, U.S. Attorney General
WP Thomas Watt Gregory.jpg
Thomas Watt Gregory (6 November 1861 Crawfordsville, Mississippi 26 February 1933 New York City) was a United States jurist, politician and United States Attorney General during the Wilson administration
Merrick Garland.jpg
Merrick Garland photograph was provided to press by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in 2016 on occasion of Garland's nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States by US President Barack Obama. At the time Garland was chief judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, having served as a federal judge on the court since 1997.
New Jersey politician John W. Griggs.
Jeremiah S. Black.jpg
Jeremiah Sullivan Black ( January 10, 1810August 19, 1883) was an American statesman and lawyer.
Benjamin H. Brewster
William Wirt.jpg
William Wirt (November 8, 1772 – February 18, 1834)
William Henry Harrison Miller
Alphonso Taft seated.jpg
Alphonso Taft, former U.S. Secretary of War.
1Benjamin Civiletti.jpg
John Sargent, Bain bw photo portrait.jpg
John G. Sargent, Attorney General of the United States.
Edward Bates - Brady-Handy.jpg
Edward Bates. Library of Congress description: "Edward Bates"
Janet Reno-us-Portrait.jpg
Janet Reno, *1938-07-21, 78th Attorney General of the United States (1993–2001)
William Bart Saxbe
Hon. Charles Devens of Mass. Atty Gen. Hayes Cabinet.png

TITLE: Hon. Charles Devens of Mass. Atty Gen. Hayes Cabinet

CREATED/PUBLISHED: [between 1865 and 1880]

en:Category:United States history images
Seal of the United States Department of Justice.svg

Seal of the United States Department of Justice.

The origins of the seal are unknown; it was first used in the 19th century as the seal for the Office of the Attorney General (prior to the formation of the Department of Justice) but the exact date is unknown. Even the translation of the Latin motto is murky, a matter of debate between Latin scholars. The Department's currently accepted translation is who prosecutes on behalf of Lady Justice, referring to the Attorney General. The motto is an allusion to the wording of the writ in a qui tam action: qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso sequitur ("he who sues on behalf of our lord the King as well as for himself." The current-day seal dates from 1934, when some (though not all) of the heraldic mistakes on the original were corrected. More information here.
Robert F Kennedy crop.jpg
Robert Kennedy appearing before Platform Committee
Moody, William Henry.jpg
William Henry Moody (1853-1917), was an American politician and jurist, United States Secretary of the Navy (1902-1904), Attorney General of the United States (1904-1906), Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (1906-1910).
James P McGranery cropped.jpg
James P. McGranery (* 1895; † 1962), United States politician
Amos T. Akerman - Brady-Handy.jpg
Amos T. Akerman. Library of Congress description: "Ackerman, Hon. Ames, Atty. Gen."
Jud Harmon.jpg
Judson Harmon, c. 1912.
William M. Evarts - Brady-Handy.jpg
William M. Evarts. Library of Congress description: "Evarts, Hon. Wm of N.Y. Secty of State, Hays Cab."
James C. McReynolds - c1913.jpg
James C. McReynolds, half-length portrait, seated, facing slightly left
Wayne MacVeagh - Brady-Handy.jpg
Wayne MacVeagh. Library of Congress description: "MacVeagh, Hon. Wayne Atty-General".
Augustus Hill Garland - Brady-Handy.jpg
Augustus Hill Garland. Library of Congress description: "Garland, Hon. A.H. Attny General"
J. Howard McGrath.jpg
, Attorney General 1949-1952
United States Attorney General George W. Wickersham.
John Mitchell.jpg
Attorney General John N. Mitchell
Ebenezer R. Hoar, half-length portrait, seated
John J. Crittenden - Brady-Handy.jpg
John J. Crittenden. Library of Congress description: "Crittenden, Hon. John Jordon of Ky"
Edwin Meese-2005 02 10.jpg
Edwin Meese III (*1931-12-02), Former U.S. Attorney General at Reagan Stamp Dedication (2005-02-10)
Cropped image from File:Time-magazine-cover-william-mitchell.jpg, frontpage image of former US Attorney General (1929–1933), William DeWitt Mitchell (1874–1955).
Elliot Richardson, U.S. Secretary of Commerce
William Barr (cropped).jpg
William Barr

Attorney General

William Pelham Barr was sworn in as Attorney General on February 14, 2019.
Justice Frank Murphy.jpg
Justice Frank Murphy of the U.S. Supreme Court
Roger B. Taney - Brady-Handy.jpg
Roger B. Taney. Library of Congress description: "Roger B. Taney".
Isaac Toucey - Brady-Handy.jpg
Isaac Toucey. Library of Congress description: "Hon. Isaac Toucey of Conn"
Herbert Brownell.jpg
US Attorney General Herbert Brownell
Associate Justice Joseph McKenna, Supreme court of the United States.jpg
Joseph McKenna, Associate Justice, Supreme Court, full-length portrait, seated, facing right