Amerikansk konservatisme

Amerikansk konservatisme er en politisk og social filosofi, som har sit afsæt i USA. Denne form for konservatisme er karakteriseret ved at prioritere amerikanske traditioner og kultur, republikanisme og en begrænset føderal regeringsmagt sammenlignet med delstaterne magt og selvbestemmelsesret – dette omtales også ofte som begrænset statsmagt og delstaternes rettigheder (engelsk:states' rights). I sociale spørgsmål støtter amerikansk konservatisme typisk kristne værdier,[1] moralsk absolutisme,[2] traditionelle familieværdier, [3] amerikansk exceptionalisme,[4] og individualisme,[5] mens den modsætter sig abort og ægteskab af samme køn hvilket typisk også er relateret til sin støtte til kristne værdier.[6] I forhold til økonomiske spørgsmål er amerikansk konservatisme generelt pro-kapitalistiske[7] og støtter det private erhvervsliv, mens det er imod fagforeninger. I nationale spørgsmål (på føderalt niveau) har man typisk støttet et stærkt nationalt forsvar, våbenrettigheder, frihandel [8] og et forsvar af vestlig kultur mod truslen fra kommunisme[9] og moralsk relativisme.[10]

Amerikansk konservatisme adskiller sig i nogen grad fra traditionel europæisk konservatisme, som følge af dets stærke fokus på amerikanske værdier og republikanisme. Således var den amerikanske uafhængighedskrig en reaktion på, herunder en afvisning af, nogle af de centrale idealer inden for europæisk konservatisme – heriblandt aristokratiet og monarkiet. Amerikansk konservatisme bygger derfor på en afvisning af de mere rigidt statusbundne system, der har karakteriseret de europæiske samfund.[11] Ligeledes har amerikansk konservatisme været præget af en stærk påvirkning fra klassiske liberalisme og den libertarianistiske tradition – udtryk gennem bl.a. Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman og Chicago School of Economics. De er således typisk yderst kritiske overfor keynesiansk økonomi.[12][13] Dette er ligeledes med til at adskille amerikansk konservatisme fra traditionel europæisk konservatisme i nogen grad.

Konservatisme i USA er dog i højere grad – sammenlignet med eksempelvis flere europæiske lande – karakteriseret ved at have et højt antal afarter og typer af konservatisme med delvis forskellige filosofier og tankegange. Amerikansk konservatisme skal således snarere ses som et paraplybegreb, der omfatter en række forskellige konservative retninger og filosofier. Barry Goldwater talte i 1960'erne for "free enterprise"-konservatisme, mens Jerry Falwell i 1980'erne prædikede om traditionelle moralske og religiøse værdier. Ronald Reagan dannede efterfølgende en koalition, som byggede på elementer fra begge disse filosofier.[14]

Af retninger inden for konservatisme, herunder amerikansk konservatisme, kan blandt andet nævnes: nykonservatisme, paleokonservatisme, nationalkonservatisme, kristen konservatisme og finanspolitisk konservatisme.

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  1. ^ Joel D. Aberbach; Gillian Peele (2011). Crisis of Conservatism?: The Republican Party, the Conservative Movement, and American Politics After Bush. Oxford UP. s. 260. ISBN 9780199830268.
  2. ^ Farmer, Brian (2005). American Conservatism: History, Theory and Practice. United States: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. s. 52. ISBN 978-1904303541. To traditional conservatives, there most definitely are moral absolutes and they can most definitely and definitively identify those moral absolutes.
  3. ^ Clyde Wilcox (2018). Onward Christian Soldiers?: The Religious Right in American Politics. Taylor & Francis. s. 96. ISBN 9780429974533.
  4. ^ Langdale, John (2012). Superfluous Southerners: Cultural Conservatism and the South, 1920–1990. United States: University of Missouri Press. s. 4. ISBN 9780826272850.
  5. ^ Lipsman, Ron (2007). Liberal Hearts and Conservative Brains: The Correlation Between Age and Political Philosophy. United States: United States. s. 232. ISBN 9780595463206. The American conservative system of individualism, free markets, economic competition and deep respect for tradition...
  6. ^ Cal Jillson (2011). Texas Politics: Governing the Lone Star State. Taylor & Francis. s. 87. ISBN 9780203829417. Social conservatives focus on moral or values issues, such as abortion, marriage, school prayer, and judicial appointments.
  7. ^ Comparative Studies in Society and History. Vol. 29, No. 2 (Apr. 1987), p. 245. Cambridge University Press.
  8. ^ Baldwin, Robert (2000). Congressional Trade Votes: From NAFTA Approval to Fast-track Defeat. United States: Peterson Institute for International Economics. s. 30. ISBN 9780881322675. Conservatism generally is associated with pro-business, anti-labor, and strong-national-defense stances, all of which lead to support for free trade principles.
  9. ^ Critchlow, Donald (2009). Debating the American Conservative Movement: 1945 to the Present. United States: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. s. 15. ISBN 978-0742548244. Conservatives had a fear of Communism shared by most Americans. During this time a popular anti-Communist culture emerged in America, evident in movies, television programs, community activities, and grassroots organizations. This popular anti-Communist culture generated patriotic rallies, parades, city resolutions, and an array of anti—Communist groups concerned about Communist influence in the schools, textbooks, churches, labor unions, industry, and universities.
  10. ^ Pilbeam, Bruce (2003). Anglo-American Conservative Ideology After the Cold War. United States: Palgrave Macmillan. s. 100. ISBN 978-0333997659. For most conservatives, if there is a common culprit in explaining society's descent into moral chaos, then it is relativism—the notion that there are no absolute values or standards, merely different interpretations and perspectives.
  11. ^ Milan Zafirovski (2008). Modern Free Society and Its Nemesis: Liberty Versus Conservatism in the New Millennium. Lexington Books. s. 44-45. ISBN 9780739115169.
  12. ^ George H. Nash, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America since 1945 (2008) pp. 446–455.
  13. ^ Johan Van Overtveldt, The Chicago School: how the University of Chicago assembled the thinkers who revolutionized economics and business (2007).
  14. ^ Paul S. Boyer (2007). The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People. Cengage Learning. s. 934. ISBN 978-0618801596.

Yderligere læsning

  • Aberbach, Joel D. "Understanding American Political Conservatism." in Robert A. Scott and Stephen M. Kosslyn, eds. Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource (2015).
  • Aberbach, Joel D., and Gillian Peele, eds. Crisis of Conservatism?: The Republican Party, the Conservative Movement, and American Politics after Bush (Oxford UP, 2011). 403pp
  • Adams, Ian (2001). Political Ideology Today. Manchester University Press. ISBN 0-719-06020-6.
  • Allitt, Patrick. The Conservatives: Ideas and Personalities Throughout American History (2010) excerpt and text search
  • Bowen, Michael, The Roots of Modern Conservatism: Dewey, Taft, and the Battle for the Soul of the Republican Party. (U of North Carolina Press, 2011). xii, 254pp.
  • Clark, Barry Stewart (1998). Political Economy: A Comparative Approach. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 0-275-95869-8.
  • Critchlow, Donald T. The Conservative Ascendancy: How the Republican Right Rose to Power in Modern America (2nd ed. 2011)
  • Critchlow, Donald T. and Nancy MacLean. Debating the American Conservative Movement: 1945 to the Present (2009)
  • Farber, David. The Rise and Fall of Modern American Conservatism: A Short History (2012).
  • Filler, Louis. Dictionary of American Conservatism (Philosophical Library, 1987)
  • Frohnen, Bruce et al. eds. American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia (2006); the most detailed reference
  • Gottfried, Paul. The Conservative Movement (Twayne, 1993.)
  • Gross, Neil, Thomas Medvetz, and Rupert Russell. "The Contemporary American Conservative Movement," Annual Review of Sociology (2011) 37 pp. 325–354
  • Guttman, Allan. The Conservative Tradition in America (Oxford University Press, 1967).
  • Hayward, Steven F. The Age of Reagan: The Fall of the Old Liberal Order: 1964–1980 (2009) excerpt v 1; The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counterrevolution 1980–1989 (2009) excerpt and text search v2
  • Hemmer, Nicole. Messengers of the Right: Conservative Media and the Transformation of American Politics (U of Pennsylvania Press, 2016). xvi, 320 pp.
  • Kabaservice, Geoffrey. Rule and Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party, From Eisenhower to the Tea Party (2012) scholarly history favorable to moderates excerpt and text search
  • Lauck, Jon K. and Catherine McNicol Stock, eds. The Conservative Heartland: A Political History of the Postwar American Midwest (UP of Kansas, 2020) online review
  • Lora, Ronald.; The Conservative Press in Twentieth-Century America Greenwood Press, 1999 online edition Arkiveret 24. april 2005 hos Wayback Machine
  • Lyons, Paul. American Conservatism: Thinking It, Teaching It. (Vanderbilt University Press, 2009). 202 pp. ISBN 978-0-8265-1626-8ISBN 978-0-8265-1626-8
  • Nash, George. The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America Since 1945 (2006; 1st ed. 1978) influential history
  • Phillips-Fein, Kim. "Conservatism: A State of the Field," Journal of American History, (Dec. 2011) 98#3 pp. 723–743 in JSTOR
  • Postell, Joseph W. and Johnathan O'Neill, eds. Toward an American Conservatism: Constitutional Conservatism during the Progressive Era (2013).
  • Postell, Joseph W. and Johnathan O'Neill, eds. American Conservatism: 1900–1930 (Lexington Press, 2020)
  • Reinhard, David W. The Republican right since 1945 (UP of Kentucky, 2014) online.
  • Rosen, Eliot A. The Republican Party in the Age of Roosevelt: Sources of Anti-Government Conservatism in the United States (2014)
  • Schneider, Gregory. The Conservative Century: From Reaction to Revolution (2009)
  • Thorne, Melvin J. American Conservative Thought since World War II: The Core Ideas (1990) online edition (Webside ikke længere tilgængelig)

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