Alive! er det første live album, og det fjerde samlet, af det amerikanske hardrockband Kiss. Det betragtes som deres gennembrud og et vartegn for live-albummer.
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Eksterne henvisninger
| | | Studiealbum | - Kiss
- Hotter Than Hell
- Dressed to Kill
- Destroyer
- Rock and Roll Over
- Love Gun
- Dynasty
- Unmasked
- Music from "The Elder"
- Creatures of the Night
- Lick it Up
- Animalize
- Asylum
- Crazy Nights
- Hot in the Shade
- Revenge
- Carnival of Souls: The Final Sessions
- Psycho Circus
- Sonic Boom
- Monster
| '78 solo-album | - Ace Frehley
- Gene Simmons
- Paul Stanley
- Peter Criss
| Livealbum | - Alive!
- Alive II
- Alive III
- Kiss Unplugged
- You Wanted the Best, You Got the Best!!
- Kiss Symphony: Alive IV
- Kiss Instant Live
- Alive! The Millennium Concert
- Kiss Alive 35
- Kiss Sonic Boom Over Europe
- Kiss Rocks Vegas
| Opsamlingsalbum | - Double Platinum
- Killers
- Chikara
- Smashes, Thrashes & Hits
- Greatest Kiss
- The Very Best of Kiss
- The Millennium Collection: The Best of Kiss
- The Best of Kiss, Volume 2: The Millennium Collection
- Gold
- The Best of Kiss, Volume 3: The Millennium Collection
- Jigoku-Retsuden
- Kiss 40
- Kissworld
| Turnéer | - Club Tour
- Kiss Tour
- Hotter than Hell Tour
- Dressed to Kill Tour
- Alive! Tour
- Destroyer Tour
- Rock & Roll Over Tour
- Love Gun Tour
- Alive II Tour
- Dynasty Tour
- Unmasked Tour
- Creatures of the Night Tour
- Lick It Up World Tour
- Animalize World Tour
- Asylum Tour
- Crazy Nights World Tour
- Hot in the Shade Tour
- Revenge Tour
- Kiss My Ass Tour
- Alive/Worldwide Tour
- Psycho Circus World Tour
- Kiss Farewell Tour
- World Domination Tour
- Rock the Nation World Tour
- Rising Sun Tour
- Hit 'n Run Tour
- Alive 35 World Tour
- Sonic Boom Over Europe Tour
- The Hottest Show on Earth Tour
- The Tour
- Monster World Tour
- The KISS 40th Anniversary World Tour
- Freedom to Rock Tour
- Kissworld Tour
- End of the Road World Tour
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