Abbey Road Studios
For alternative betydninger, se Abbey Road (flertydig). (Se også artikler, som begynder med Abbey Road)
Abbey Road Studios (tidligere kendt som EMI Studios) er et indspilningsstudie grundlagt i november 1931 af en forgænger til pladeselskabet EMI i London, England. Studiet har adressen 3 Abbey Road, St John's Wood i City of Westminster. Studiet ændrede navn til Abbey Road Studios i 1970, efter at the Beatles Abbey Road-album gjorde det berømt.[1][2]
- ^ Bieger, Hannes (november 2012). "Abbey Road Studios, London -". Hentet 14. februar 2019.
- ^ Atkinson, Peter (2015). "Abbey Road Studios, the Tourist, and Beatles Heritage". Relocating Popular Music. s. 129-147. ISBN 978-1-349-69057-2. doi:10.1057/9781137463388_7.
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Forfatter/Opretter: User Dpbsmith on en.wikipedia, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
45 rpm record The image is a picture of a 45 rpm record from the mid-1950s The record label contains no copyright notice of any kind. It contains a notice, "MGM--Device of Lion's Head--Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." In the picture, the element, though recognizable, is small and of low quality and I do not think its use as an illustration of a 45 rpm record in an encyclopedia article can be considered infringing.
Forfatter/Opretter: portum, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
"Picture of the Abbey Road studios. Taken by portum for wikipedia." from English Wikipedia.