AM 738 4to

AM 738 4to eller Edda oblongata er et islandsk papirmanuskript på 135 sider dateret til omkring 1680. Det er på Árni Magnússon-instituttet i Reykjavík og indeholder Yngre Edda illustreret med 23 tegninger fra den nordiske mytologi. Navnet kommer fra manuskriptets liggende format; det er dog usædvanligt højt i forhold til bredden.

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AM 738 4to, 39v, BW Ullr.jpeg
An illustration of the Norse god Ullr, from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript. A scan of a black and white photography.
Heimdallr edda oblongata.png

en:Heimdallr. Picture from the 17th century Icelandic manuscript en:AM 738 4to, now in the care of the Árni Magnússon Institute in Iceland.


en:Category:Illuminated manuscript images

en:Category:Images from Norse mythology
AM 738 4to, 40v, BW Hoenir.jpeg
An illustration of the Norse god Hœnir, from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript. A scan of a black and white photography.
AM 738 4to, 36r, BW Njörðr.jpeg
An illustration of the Norse god Njörðr, from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript. A scan of a black and white photography.
Fenrir bound manuscript image.jpg

Fenrir amarrado, onde um rio flui de sua boca.
Fenriswolf gefesselt, aus seinem Mund fließt ein Fluss.

Fenrisulfr tied up, a river flows from his mouth.
AM 738 4to, 41v, BW Gunnlöð.jpeg
An illustration of the Norse figure Gunnlöð, from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript. A scan of a black and white photography.
N illustration of the Norse goddess Freyja, from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript.jpg
An illustration of the Norse goddess Freyja, from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript. A scan of a black and white photography.
AM 738 4to, 36v, BW Baldr.jpeg
An illustration of the Norse god Baldr, from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript. A scan of a black and white photography.
AM 738 4to, Bragi.jpg
An illustration of the god Bragi, from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript.
AM 738 4to, 41r, BW Loki.jpeg
An illustration of the Norse figure Loki, from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript. A scan of a black and white photography.
AM 738 4to, 41v, BW Þökk.jpeg
An illustration of Þökk, a figure from Norse mythology, from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript. A scan of a black and white photography.
AM 738 4to, 34v, BW Odin.jpeg
An illustration of the god Odin, from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript. A scan of a black and white photography.