480 f.Kr.

480 f.Kr.

| 6. århundrede f.Kr. | ◄ 5. århundrede f.Kr. ► | 4. århundrede f.Kr. |

◄ ◄ | | 483 f.Kr. | 482 f.Kr. | 481 f.Kr. | ◄ 480 f.Kr. ► | 479 f.Kr. | 478 f.Kr. | 477 f.Kr. | | ► ►

480 f.Kr.
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Medier brugt på denne side

Battle of salamis.png
Battle of Thermopylae and movements to Salamis, 480 BC
Gelon I.jpg
A 19th-century steel engraving of Gelon I, tyrant of Syracuse. Classic, old depiction.
Thermopylae ancient coastline large.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Fkerasar, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
View of the Thermopylae pass at the area of the Phocian Wall. In ancient times the coastline was where the modern road lies, or even closer to the mountain.