150. østlige længdekreds
Den 150. østlige længdekreds (eller 150 grader østlig længde) er en længdekreds, der ligger 150 grader øst for nulmeridianen. Den løber gennem Ishavet, Asien, Stillehavet, Australasien, det Sydlige Ishav og Antarktis.
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Forfatter/Opretter: TUBS

Location map of the world. Equirectangular projection from 180°E to 180°W and from 90°S to 90°N
(c) Peter Ellis, CC BY-SA 3.0
Marulan, Australia, lies on 150 East longitude. This artistic monument was erected in 2002 beside the Hume Highway where George Street runs north into the town. It depicts the major longitude lines of the world as a rotating structure above a map in the pavement showing the 150E line, with two artistic representations along the axis.