Østrigs delstater
Østrig |
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Andre lande • Politik |
Østrigs delstater har længe haft en vis selvstændighed, som gjorde og gør dem til mere selvstændige enheder end blot administrationsdistrikter.
Fra og med grundloven fra 1920 er Østrig en føderation. Dens delstater hedder Bundesländer ("forbundslande") og har stor selvstændighed med egne lovgivende delstatsparlamenter (Landtage) og delstatsregeringer (Landesregierungen). Formanden for regeringen kaldes Landeshauptmann/-frau.
- Indb./km² = Befolkningstæthed (Indbyggertal/km²)
Våbenskjold | Navn fork. | Hovedstad | Landeshauptmann (parti) | Regeringsparti | Befolkning (2015)[1] | Areal (km²) | Indb./km² | Antal Byer | Antal kommuner (I alt; 2022) |
![]() | Burgenland B | Eisenstadt | Hans Peter Doskozil (SPÖ) | SPÖ (19) Tilsammen: 36 | 288.229 | 3.965 | 72,7 | 13 | 171 |
![]() | Kärnten K | Klagenfurt am Wörthersee | Peter Kaiser (SPÖ) | SPÖ (18) ÖVP (6) Tilsammen: 36 | 557.371 | 9.536 | 58,4 | 17 | 132 |
![]() | Niederösterreich N | St. Pölten | Johanna Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP) | ÖVP (29) SPÖ (13) FPÖ (8) Tilsammen: 56 | 1.636.287 | 19.178 | 85,3 | 76 | 573 |
![]() | Oberösterreich O | Linz | Thomas Stelzer (ÖVP) | ÖVP (21) FPÖ (18) SPÖ (11) Grüne (6) Tilsammen: 56 | 1.436.791 | 11.982 | 119,9 | 32 | 438 |
![]() | Salzburg S | Salzburg | Wilfried Haslauer (ÖVP) | SPÖ (15) Grüne (3) NEOS (3) Tilsammen: 36 | 538.258 | 7.154 | 75,2 | 11 | 119 |
![]() | Steiermark St | Graz | Christopher Drexler (ÖVP) | ÖVP (18) SPÖ (12) Tilsammen: 56 | 1.221.014 | 16.401 | 74,4 | 35 | 286 |
![]() | Tyrol T | Innsbruck | Anton Mattle (ÖVP) | ÖVP (14) SPÖ (7) Tilsammen: 36 | 728.537 | 12.648 | 57,6 | 11 | 277 |
![]() | Vorarlberg V | Bregenz | Markus Wallner (ÖVP) | ÖVP (16) Grüne (6) Tilsammen: 36 | 378.490 | 2.601 | 145,5 | 5 | 96 |
![]() | Wien W | --- | Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) | SPÖ (46) NEOS (8) Tilsammen: 100 | 1.794.770 | 414,87 | 4.326,1 | 1 | 1 |
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- ^ data fra Statistik AustriaStatistik Austria – Bevölkerung nach Bundesländern, 1. januar 2015 (tysk)
Medier brugt på denne side
Forfatter/Opretter: David Vignoni (globe, clock face/ring), Anomie (clock hands), David Göthberg (making the clock red, shadows). Anomie and David G (putting all the parts together)., Licens: LGPL
Globe with clock to represent a "current event"
The original uploader was Yzmo at engelsk Wikipedia.
Later versions were uploaded by Tene at en.wikipedia., Licens: LGPLThis image is combined from the following two images.
Flag of Austria with the red in the Austrian national colours which was official ordered within the Austrian Armed Forces (Bundesheer) in the characteristic “Pantone 032 C” (since May 2018 the Red is ordered in the characteristic “Pantone 186 C”.)
Service flag of the state of Lower Austria, Austria
Description: Weiß-grün mit Wappen der Steiermark. Dienstflagge der Steiermark. White-green with coat of arms of Styria. Flag of the state of Styria.
- Source: Image:Steiermark Wappen.svg by David Liuzzo, with colour modifications since this is a flag (i.e. no gradients etc).
Coat of arms of the state of Lower Austria, Austria
Weiß-rot mit Wappen von Oberösterreich, gekrönt mit Erzherzogshut. Dienstflagge von Oberösterreich. White-red with coat of arms of Upper Austria, crowned with the archducal hat. Flag of the state of Upper Austria.
flag of the state of Carinthia, Austria
Description: Rot-weiß mit Wappen vom Land Salzburg. Dienstflagge von Salzburg. Red-white with coat of arms of the State of Salzburg. Flag of the state of Salzburg.
- Source: Image:Salzburg Wappen.svg by David Liuzzo.
Coat of arms of Burgenland
Coat of arms of Austria: Coat of arms of Austria, depicting the black eagle. (Not official Version with several mistakes in colours, dimensions and other.)
Coat of arms of Austria: Coat of arms of Austria, depicting the more heraldic version of black eagle. (Version with several mistakes in dimensions of and in the shild and other.)
flag of the state of Vorarlberg, Austria
Wappen des Bundeslandes Oberösterreich.
Shield of the coat of arms of Carinthia, Austria
Forfatter/Opretter: TUBS

Map of administrative divisions of Austria