Whistling duck flight02 - natures pics-edit1

Alan D. Wilson, www.naturespicsonline.com; Edited by olegivvit
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http://www.naturespicsonline.com/ (higher resolution version obtained in correspondence with website owner)
1440 x 1052 Pixel (266934 Bytes)
Black-Bellied Whistling Duck, Birding Center, Port Aransas, Texas
Kommentar på licensen:
"We consider each image to be in the Public Domain with the proviso that their use conform to the general spirit of the rules governing Attribution-ShareALike 2.5 as described by Creative Commons in their summary deed." -- From the front page of the web site.
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Yderligere oplysninger om licens til billedet kan findes her. Sidste ændring: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 13:54:53 GMT