Suzi service dog snow 009

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"Suzi Q the Service Dog" in Finland. Suzi Q wears a waterproof underjacket and a brightly colored, light-reflective service jacket. "Don't Pet Me --I'm Working" and "Service Dog" patches are emblazoned on the service jacket. The jacket has a padded chest strap and pockets for carrying small items, such as the service dog's passport. The collar has a flashing red neon light that can be turned on when walking in the dark, and on the leash, a small light also flashes (Scandinavian countries experience long periods of darkness). Though the jacket says "Don't Pet Me --I'm Working" all service dogs should know the command "Say hello" to allow approaches of strangers, when necessary, for petting and handling, especially when going through airports where patdowns are necessary.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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