STS-47 crew

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STS-47 Endeavour, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 105, Official portrait includes the seven crewmembers wearing launch and entry suits (LESs). These seven crewmembers are currently in training for the STS-47 Spacelab J (SLJ) mission scheduled for later this year. Pictured are (left to right, front) Mission Specialist (MS) Jerome Apt and Pilot Curtis L. Brown, Jr (both holding launch and entry helmets (LEHs)); and (left to right, rear) MS N. Jan Davis, MS and Payload Commander (PLC) Mark C. Lee, Commander Robert L. Gibson, MS Mae C. Jemison, and Japanese Payload Specialist Mamoru Mohri. Mohri is representing the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA). In the background are the flags of the United States (U.S.) and Japan. Portrait was made by NASA JSC contract photographer Robert G. Markowitz.
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