Roman Empire in 50 BC

Atlas This map has been uploaded by Electionworld from to enable the Wikimedia Atlas of the World . Original uploader to was Daanschr, known as Daanschr at Electionworld is not the creator of this map. Licensing information is below.
431 x 287 Pixel (7477 Bytes)



  • H. Kinder and W. Hilgemann, Sesam. Atlas bij de wereldgeschiedenis (Vertaald uit het duits door Jacoba M. Vreugdenhil, Baarn 1965) 90.

This map can be adapted

Some of the information on this map can be incorrect and could be corrected. I have changed Cyrenaica for instance. It was Roman since 98 BC, which was not shown on the original map of the Atlas zur Weltgeschichte. Just send a message to me.--Daanschr 10:35, 7 May 2006 (UTC)

Do you want to join a Mapproject?

This map is part of a mapproject that i started. This mapproject has two goals: creating maps with the ultimate historical accuracy and to improve historical maps. At the moment i am the only participant of this project, allthough i got some help from a few users to get acquainted with computer programs and the abilities of Wikipedia. I hope that other people could join me, so the expansion of historically accurate maps could be quicker.

Historical accuracy

I want to create maps that link to sources. The main source will be historical atlases in bookform and history books. For research tasks, see talk page.
Public domain

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