POL Bytów flag

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500 x 312 Pixel (10962 Bytes)

Flag of Bytów (upon Appendix no. 2a of Statute of Bytów commune from August 29, 2001)

Flaga miasta Bytów (na podstawie Załącznika nr 2a do Statutu Gminy Bytów z dnia 29 sierpnia 2001)
Public domain
Kommentar på licensen:
This image is in the public domain according to Article 4, case 2 of the Polish Copyright Law Act of February 4, 1994 (Dz. U. z 2022 r. poz. 2509 with later changes) "normative acts and drafts thereof as well as official documents, materials, signs and symbols are not subject to copyrights". Hence it is assumed that this image has been released into public domain. However in some instances the use of this image in Poland might be regulated by other laws.

Yderligere oplysninger om licens til billedet kan findes her. Sidste ændring: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 19:27:34 GMT