Opponent colors

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Eget arbejde
1050 x 743 Pixel (750 Bytes)

The coordinates were taken from the “NCS Navigator” applet available from the NCS website. The numbers are correct in the sRGB color space. The background is NCS S 4000-N, #C8C6C4, RGB(154, 152, 152), and the colors are:

  • White: #FFFFFF, RGB(255, 255, 255)
  • Green: NCS S 2060-G, #00A368, RGB(0, 163, 104)
  • Yellow: NCS S 0580-Y, #FFD300, RGB(255, 211, 0)
  • Black: #000000, RGB(0, 0, 0)
  • Red: NCS S 1080-R, #C40223, RGB(196, 2, 35)
  • Blue: NCS S 2060-B, #0088BF, RGB(0, 134, 191)
The original version of this file used different numbers, based on Spooky’s eyeball match between NCS colors and the RGB shown on his/her display.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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