Nycteribiidae (parasite fly living on bats) (5021769088)

Gilles San Martin from Namur, Belgium
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3602 x 2437 Pixel (3708805 Bytes)

A parasitic fly of the familly Nycteribiidae collected on a Plecotus auritus bat in Switzerland (Le chenit, Baume de la petite Chaux, Coll. P. Nyssen). Female of the genus Nycteribia or Basilia (probably Basilia nana (thanks to Fardo Witsenburg and Daan Dekeukeleire for the additionnal ID information)

Scale : bodylength < 2mm

Technical settings : - focus stack of 25 images

- Leitz Photar objective @ f/4 with 70 mm extension tubes/adapter
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

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