Mars Viking 12a240

"Roel van der Hoorn (Van der Hoorn)"
Own work based on images in the NASA Viking image archive
999 x 512 Pixel (192456 Bytes)
Viking 1 lander image of a martian sunset over Chryse Planitia. In this image the sun is 2 degrees below the local horizon. The banding in the sky is an artifact produced by the incremental brightness levels of the camera. This image was taken on the 30th martian day (sol) after touchdown, at 19:13 local time (10:40:31 on 20 August 1976 (UTC)). The camera is pointing towards the southwest.
Public domain
Kommentar på licensen:
I used the original 12a240.blu, 12a240.grn and images from the NASA Viking image archive, converted them to .png, manually removed the noise, merged them into one image (almost matching true color; see here for the channel mixing process) and finally increased the brightness with 35. Except for the conversion, this was done in Adobe Photoshop CS2. The original file by NASA is in the public domain, and so is this new one.

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