Lloyd the Llama

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Lloyd the llama rests near the Chasm Lake Junction on the Longs Peak Keyhole trail in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Lloyd is one of the llamas used at Rocky Mountain National Park to clean, maintain, and supply the high country privies. Lloyd is waiting near "Sky Potty Junction" at an elevation of about 11,700 feet above sea level. Another privy at the Boulder Field is even higher up at an elevation of 12,750 feet.

The high altitude toilets are maintained once a week during the summer. Waste from the toilets passes through solar-heated trays, where up to 70% of the moisture is removed by solar heat, wind and solar-powered fans. The remaining waste solids are shoveled into bags and packed out on llamas.

Longs Peak.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

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