Little Boy bomb
US Atomic Energy Commission (now US Department of Energy)
Scanned by Alex Wellerstein at the National Archives and Records Administration Archives II (College Park, Maryland) from the original on August 15, 2008. The original can be found in the Still Pictures branch as 77-AEC-6281. This version has been retouched from the original to remove a line of yellowed tape that had been applied to the photograph, three punched holes in the photograph, a few tears on the original, and some dust incurred by the scanning process.
5900 x 3900 Pixel (8225440 Bytes)
Photograph of a Little Boy atomic bomb, the same type of weapon dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, in August 1945. This was the first photograph of a Little Boy bomb casing to ever be released by the U.S. government (it was declassified in 1960). This photograph is of a postwar Little Boy unit, and is not the exact bomb dropped over Japan.
Public domain
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