La mort d'Antonia Act3 Les contes d'Hoffmann 1881 - Gallica 2010 (adjusted)

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2592 x 1987 Pixel (690381 Bytes)
End of Act 3 "La mort d'Antonia" of Offenbach's opera Les contes d'Hoffmann, as performed in the first production at the Opéra-Comique in Paris in 1881. In front: fr:Adèle Isaac (Antonia); in back, left to right: en:Hippolyte Belhomme (Crespel), fr:Marguerite Ugalde (Nicklausse), fr:Pierre Grivot (Franz), fr:Émile-Alexandre Taskin (Miracle), fr:Jean-Alexandre Talazac (Hoffmann)
Public domain

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