Ordenstecken, Serafimerorden, Sverige, den ursprungliga modellen från 1748, kronan 1800-tal.
Ordenstecken, Serafimerorden, Sverige, den ursprungliga modellen från 1748, kronan 1800-tal.
LSH 86642 (lm_dig4449_396)
3413 x 5120 Pixel (104911878 Bytes)
Bemærkning: For documentary purposes the original description has been retained. Factual corrections and alternative descriptions are encouraged separately from the original description.
Kors framsida. LRK 396Nyckelord: Fredrik I, Serafimerorden, Kors, Föremålsbild
Public domain
Kommentar på licensen:
This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by Livrustkammaren (The Royal Armoury) as part of a cooperation project with Wikimedia Sverige. All artworks in the photographs are owned by the museum and in the public domain due to age.
The photographs themselves are either public domain due to age or the copyright is held by the museum which has made it available as CC0 or licensed it with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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