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Jason Manford came home to the University of Salford yesterday (Wednesday 30 January) when he passed on advice and tips from his successful comedy and writing career to more than 50 performance students.

The Salford-born comic gave a masterclass to an audience of students and staff at the University’s Adelphi Studio, where he graduated with a BA in Media and Performance in 2004. Since then he has become one of the nation’s best known stand-up comedians and TV personalities, with credits including Live at the Apollo, 8 Out of 10 Cats, Comedy World Cup and a stint starring in Sweeney Todd in London last year. He will be touring the UK with his new stand-up show First World Problems from May.

During the lively question and answer session with Comedy Practices BA and other Performance students, Jason talked about his experiences from a 15-year career in comedy, including the importance of disappointment and knock-backs in driving a comedian to improve; the balancing act between over-confidence and insecurity; how social media is now an important part of his writing process; and how to deal with hecklers.

Full story at bit.ly/11jWxyJ.
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