ISSF 25 meter Precision and 50 meter pistol target

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ISSF Official Statutes, Rules and Regulations (English Rulebook)
1949 x 1949 Pixel (28582 Bytes)
25 Meter Precision and 50 Meter Pistol Target. For the 50 m Pistol and 25 m Standard Pistol events and the precision stage of the 25 m Center Fire and the 25 m Pistol events. Based on ISSF Official Statutes, Rules and Regulations (English Rulebook)( ). The target: total Ø = 500 mm. 7 ring Ø = 200 mm. 9 ring Ø = 100 mm. 10 ring Ø = 50 mm. Inner ten ring Ø = 25 mm.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

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