Hungary (1909) (14783572992)

2236 x 2644 Pixel (1179699 Bytes)
Identifier: hungary00stok

Title: Hungary
Year: 1909 (1900s)
Authors: Stokes, Adrian, 1854-1935 Stokes, Marianne
Publisher: London : A. and C. Black
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto

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in his light red summer coat. Nearer, ever nearer,came the hounds. The buck stepped down the edgeof the wood till opposite my place of concealment,then suddenly broke away, and, leaping over thestones and undergrowth between us, came on to hisfate. The guest of the day, a rubicund and jovialJudge, was on my left. Presently I heard himshoot twice, and then a second buck, going likethe wind, flashed between me and the wood. Myfirst barrel had no effect, but the second, aimedwell in front, bowled him head over heels, andhe lay dead. The Judge rushed up with out-stretched hand to clasp mine, and thank me forhaving stopped his quarry, and ask if it was stillgoing when I fired! As a matter of fact, it hadseen him when about to shoot, doubled back, andonly offered a long shot from behind, which couldhave had no effect but to accelerate its pace.However, some shot were found near its hind-quarters, and at the end of the day he carriedit off in triumph to Budapest. SLOVAK GIRL IN SUNDAY ATTIRE
Text Appearing After Image:
VAZSECZ AND LUCSIVNA-FURDO 73 The drive was over. Beaters and hounds drewnear, the guns assembled round a fire, and heartycompHments were paid to me. Then a hamperwas opened, wine and mineral waters were handedround, cigars lit, and one or other of the company-started snatches of old Hungarian hunting songs,the rest forming a chorus. After each drive, and whenever we stopped fora short rest or consultation, a fire was at oncemade by the beaters. They all smoked pipeswith small clay bowls closed with metal lids andstuffed with strong tobacco, which they hadpreviously moistened with saliva and rolled uptight in the palms of their hands. The heads ofthe pipes were then thrust among the glowingembers of the fire to roast, and afterwards thetobacco was lit in the usual way. This methodwas said to make it burn more slowly and tastestronger than any other known. Several outlying parts of the forest were driven,and a few hares fell before we arrived at the shedwhere luncheon was prepared, but

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