Apollo 15 Panoramic camera image AS15-P-0274 (high-res original)
996 x 702 Pixel (146804 Bytes)
This is an oblique image of Euler crater on the Moon, taken from orbit during the Apollo 17 mission. This is figure 139 from Apollo Over the Moon, NASA SP-362 (1978), which has the following caption:
In this oblique view of Euler some details are shown that are not visible in figures 137 and 138. Note, for example, the ledges (L) of bedrock cropping out along the south wall and the low terraces (T) at the points of contact between the slump masses and the floor. They may be aprons of debris or "bathtub rings" of lava like those shown earlier in figure 69. This oblique viewing angle also enhances the polygonal outline of Euler's rim crest and the size and ruggedness of the huge masses that have slumped from the walls.-G.G.S.
In this oblique view of Euler some details are shown that are not visible in figures 137 and 138. Note, for example, the ledges (L) of bedrock cropping out along the south wall and the low terraces (T) at the points of contact between the slump masses and the floor. They may be aprons of debris or "bathtub rings" of lava like those shown earlier in figure 69. This oblique viewing angle also enhances the polygonal outline of Euler's rim crest and the size and ruggedness of the huge masses that have slumped from the walls.-G.G.S.
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