GW170817 spectrograms

LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration
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Vektorgrafikken blev lavet med Matplotlib. .
738 x 1058 Pixel (671817 Bytes)
Time-frequency representations of data containing the gravitational-wave event GW170817, observed by the LIGO-Hanford (top), LIGO-Livingston (middle), and Virgo (bottom) detectors. Times are shown relative to August 17, 2017 12∶41:04 UTC. The amplitude scale in each detector is normalized to that detector’s noise amplitude spectral density. In the LIGO data, independently observable noise sources and a glitch that occurred in the LIGO-Livingston detector have been subtracted, as described in the text. According to the authors, the signal is not visible in the Virgo data due to the detector's lower binary neutron star (BNS) horizon and due to the detector's orientation relative to the source.
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