Derrick-Ticleni (Ro) (4)

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Eget arbejde
1680 x 944 Pixel (1313003 Bytes)
Puțuri de petrol din sat Țicleni, Județul Gorj.- România
Kommentar på licensen:
This illustration was made by Pierre André Leclercq, under the License CC-BY-SA which allows you to:
  • Freely use and distribute it for non-commercial or for commercial purposes
  • Create derivative works of it.

Under this condition Credit me as the original author and use the same license. I encourage distribution and modification of this image as long as you attribute its author and license. If you are using one of my images or wish to contact me, please inform me by writing a short message on my discussion page.

An email would be appreciated.

Please do not overwrite the author's version with a modified image without discussing with the author. The author would like to make corrections only from the uncompressed RAW file. This ensures that changes are preserved and are based on the best possible source to achieve a high quality. If you think that changes are required, please, get in touch with the author.
Otherwise, you can upload a new image with a different name without overwriting this one. Use {{Derived from}} or {{Extracted from}} for this purpose.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

Yderligere oplysninger om licens til billedet kan findes her. Sidste ændring: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 17:59:28 GMT