Counter-Recruiting at Wal-Mart - 17170422
Brave New Films
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*Counter-Recruiting at Wal-Mart: **Raging Grannies Protest Marine Corps
Recruiting Videos*
- May 28, 2005*
- On memorial day weekend the Peninsula Raging Grannies and friends
counter-recruited outside the Mountain View, California Wal-Mart using songs, chants, and the general, all-in-good-fun,raucous behavior the Grannies are known for.*
- Protesting the showing of Marine Corps recruiting videos the Grannies
chanted and sang such things as "Hear closely what recruiters say. They will trick you anyway. Wal-Mart give them free air time. We think that's a corporate crime." and "Mine eyes have seen the coming of recruitment TV ands. They are shown throughout this Wal-Mart store and it make the Grannies mad!"
- (Note: if you need higher resolution versions of the photos just tell me.)*
- Photographer: Eric Wagner*
- Credit: Eric Wagner*
- 415-203-7176*
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
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