Coat of arms of the city of Camagüey, Cuba
A Greyhound: It means the loyalty, nobility and fidelity of the Camagüeyans.
Castles and Lions: Denotes the courage, bravery and courage of the citizens.
Ducal Crown: Granted only to important cities, because important institutions reside in them.
Labrenquines: Ornaments in the form of Acanthus leaves, which surround the shield and meant the protection with which weapons were covered in ancient times .
For the design, the royal banner of the town of Santa María del Puerto del Príncipe was used, which carried two doves on its legs, bordered by the golden fleece." Sources: oplysninger om licens til billedet kan findes her. Sidste ændring: Thu, 09 Jan 2025 13:37:50 GMT