Italien, Überführung von Kunstschätzen

(c) Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-729-0001-23 / Meister / CC-BY-SA 3.0

800 x 511 Pixel (52440 Bytes)
Rome, Italy, 4 January 1944. German soldiers of the Division "Hermann Göring" posing near the main entrance of Palazzo Venezia showing a picture taken from the National Museum of Naples Picture Gallery (today at the Museo di Capodimonte) before the city liberation, during a propaganda ceremony aimed to prove that the artworks are being "devolved" to the RSI. (Source: Silvio Bertoldi, Salò, una storia per immagini Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1992, p. 57). The picture shown is by Giovanni Paolo Pannini and represents "Carlo III di Borbone visiting the Pope Benedetto XIV in the coffee-house of the Quirinale, Rome" (Museo di Capodimonte inv. Q 205).
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