Barken viking gothenburg 20051011

Martin Olsson (mnemo on en/sv wikipedia and commons,
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This is a locally famous ship in Gothenburg called Viking (but it's usually referred to as Barken Viking even though Bark is the ship type and not a part of its name). The ship was used for cargo (wheat etc) and it was originally built in Denmark around 1907, which is rather late considering that a lot of cargo was already being hauled by motorized ships at this time. In this picture the ship is moored at Lilla Bommen where it's likely stay for a very long time because its masts are higher than one of the bridges (Älvsborgsbron, 45m, built 1966) that it needs to pass to reach the ocean. The ship used to house a school for maritime chefs but today it's used as a hotel, restaurant and conference center.

Location: Lilla Bommen, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Camera: Sony Cybershot DSC-W1 (see EXIF below)

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This image is published on Wikipedia Commons by Martin Olsson under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license versions 2.5, 2.0, 1.0 and also the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). For redistribution in non-Wikipedia contexts please put my name in the image caption, for use within Wikipedia such a caption is not necessary.
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