Aureus of Manlia Scantilla (obverse)

(c) Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., CC BY-SA 2.5

394 x 398 Pixel (62130 Bytes)
Manlia Scantilla. Augusta, AD 193. AV Aureus (19mm, 6.62 g, 6h). Rome mint. Struck under Didius Julianus. MANL SCAN TILLA • AVG, draped bust right, wearing hair waved in two ridges and large bun at back / IVNO R EGINA, Juno, veiled, draped, wearing stephane, standing left, holding patera in right hand over peacock to left, and holding vertical scepter in left hand; peacock stands left and turns head back right. RIC IV 7a (Didius), pl. I, 16 (same dies as illustration); Woodward, Didius, dies 1/A, pl. VI, 9; Calicó 2400a (same dies as illustration); BMCRE 10 (Didius), pl. 3, 13 (same dies); Biaggi 1052 var. (placement of legends). VF, light cabinet tone. Very rare.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5

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