Athabasca Glacier animation

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Eget arbejde. Made with NASA World Wind from NASA public domain imagery
992 x 654 Pixel (978224 Bytes)
Athabasca Glacier (centre) and Saskatchewan Glacier (left) and the Columbia Icefield (top), Jasper National Park, Alberta.

There is only slight retreat over this interval at Athabasca, but obvious retreat at Saskatchewan.

Stacked NASA World Wind images from the 1990 and 2000 NASA GeoCover collections (Landsat 4/5 and Landsat 7 TM/ETM false-colour images [1]).


(This is an animated GIF image. If animation is not visible, it may be because Microsoft Office Picture Manager has your GIF file association. That application does not support GIF animation. Change the association to any standard picture viewer, and restart your browser.)
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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