Artist's impression of ʻOumuamua

Original: ESO/M. Kornmesser
Derivative: nagualdesign (from an earlier version by Tomruen) (c.f. Masiero (27th October & 2nd November 2017) [10]; Meech et al. (20th November 2017) [11]
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Derivative of (European Southern Observatory), shortened (65%) and reddened and darkened
2522 x 1649 Pixel (724318 Bytes)
Artist's impression of ʻOumuamua (Weryk 2017) using ESO/Kornmesser after Masiero & Meech et al. Is the second known discovery of matter of interstellar origin within the Solar System [1] the first known interstellar planetesimal [2] and the first known interstellar object to enter the Solar System at a speed that resulted in a trajectory not orbital (ie. hyperbolic), [3] this being an interstellar speed of [4] 26.33 +/- 0.01 km/s [5] approximately Δ 26 kilometers per second [6]. First detected by the Catalina Sky Survey (Tucson, Arizona) via the Planetary Defense Coordination Office [7] of NASA [8], during the 14th and 17th of October. [7] subsequently discovered at the Panoramic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System, Haleakalā, Hawaï during the 19th. [9]
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

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