Archytas G (LROC-NAC)
Images M1111820874LE and M1111820874RE by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. The image was flipped to make north on the top and east on the right, and brightness was increased. Resolution was decreased 2 times to reduce file size.
4279 x 5070 Pixel (13014219 Bytes)
Concentric crater Archytas G (bigger one) and a smaller unnamed crater, also with signs of concentricity, on the Moon, in Mare Frigoris, on an intrusive dome (look Wöhler & Lena, 2009). Diameter of Archytas G is 7.3 km. It is number 1 in the list of concentric craters by Wood, 1978 (the smaller one is not included). Photo by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, made with Narrow Angle Camera on 3 January 2013 from altitude 156 km. Sun elevation is 11.0°. Width of the photo is 16×13.5 km, north is approximately up (to make it precisely on the top, the image must be rotated 2.4° cw, but if so, good cropping would be impossible).
Public domain
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