Alcubierre drive passing in front of Earth

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"What it would look like if an Alcubierre drive were to pass in front of Earth, as viewed by an observer looking at Earth. The space ship in this video is a red sphere moving from left to right at a speed of 1.5 times the speed of light.

We see some interesting phenomena due to the fact that the ship is moving faster than light. When the ship is far off to the left, the radial velocity of the ship relative to the observer is greater than the speed of light. Due to this, the ship is not seen until the radial velocity of the ship is less than the speed of light. Once this happens, we see two images of the ship, one image moving left and one to the right. We also see significant gravitational lensing of the Earth due to the Alcubierre bubble.

The image of the ship stretches out and slows down as it moves to the right of the video. This is again a consequence of the ship moving faster than the speed of light, but the ship is moving away from the observer as it is emitting light.

Some parameters of the system:

  • The metric can be found on this page:
  • The velocity is a constant 1.5c
  • Bubble thickness: sigma = 4/3
  • Bubble radius: R = 2
  • Red spherical ship at the center of the bubble
  • Camera is 5 bubble radii from the ship's closest approach
  • Camera horizontal aperture angle is 135 degrees

The same setup can be viewed with a grid background instead of an Earth background here:

To further explore the effects of a faster than light ship, see:​

For more information, see"
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

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