1943-09-30 Mrs FDR Tells One

Universal Studios
400 x 300 Pixel (5354334 Bytes)
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt convulses audiences as she relates a whopper involving the Japanese and her husband. Transcript: "Just as the Marines were in order to leave Guadalcanal, an officer found a private, feeling very sad and looking very depressed. Then he said, "What's the matter with you?" And he said, "Oh, I just can't go home. I haven't shot a Jap!" So the officer said, "Well, listen! I'll tell you what to do. You go up to that ridge over there. Jump up, all of a sudden, and say 'To hell with Hirohito!' They'll jump up other people all around, and if you shoot first, you'll get a Jap!". So he came by a little while later, and the marine, still looking very loomy and he said,"Did you do what I told you?" "Yes, Sir! I ran up there, and I said what you told me to say, and I said, 'To hell with Hirohito!' And they jumped up, as you said they would, and they all shouted, "To hell with Roosevelt!".
Public domain

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